And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt. 
~ Sylvia Plath

It’s a New Year, and Yes, You Can!

You’ve thought about writing a book, yes? Because you’re on this mailing list, I’m sure you’ve at least considered it. And if you have, why not give it a try?  There’s nothing to lose.
From personal experience and that of my clients, colleagues and friends, I can tell you it will be one of the high points of your life. Like most things you throw yourself into fully, writing a book gives you a grand sense of satisfaction. It will be a work of art that no other person on the planet could create.  I’ve compared it to giving birth – labor pains and then the glory of what follows.

Though its gestation period might be longer than nine months, once the inspiration and ideas start flowing, there is little that can stop them. Throughout most of a pregnancy one carries on with life as usual, but the feeling of sharing your life force with another entity is ever-present. Writing produces a similar effect.
Unlike during pregnancy, you are in control of your ‘baby’s’ DNA. You design it from cover to cover. You might share the experience with a writing coach for the text, a graphic designer for the cover, and a publishing house for the printing and distribution, but every detail will have your signature on it.
Even if you decide not to publish your book once complete, there are numerous benefits you will derive from the process itself:
1-Life Skill – Storytelling is a valuable life skill. Once you acquire the knack of telling a story, you will learn to organize and communicate all your thoughts more clearly.
2- Share Valuable Lessons – Writing lets you share your imagination, ideas, and lessons.
3-Mental Agility –Challenging your mind improves your mental agility and stamina and develops brain cells.
4-Your Life is Your Legacy – If you have questions about your heritage, your children and grandchildren might as well. What better gift to give them than your life story?
5-If you don’t have children, you can leave your legacy by sharing your unique perspective and wisdom with friends or the culture at large.
If you have something to say, enjoy your creative muse: start writing. You don’t have to be a great writer. If you have a story to tell, an editor can make even a mediocre writer look good.
So, if you want to write, don’t let that voice in your head tell you that you can’t. Push your procrastinator out of the way and make the decision to jump in with both feet. There is never a better time than the present. It’s a New Year!
I offer a 30-minute free consultation to new clients and look forward to helping you find the inspiration to begin.






Jasmyne Consulting - 30 year’s experience - Creative Book Writing Coach/Editor for Memoirs and Novels, helping clients overcome writer’s block to successfully complete and publish their work. She helps writers at all levels including ESL clients. Freelance writing for resumes, proposals business and query letters, blogs, brochures, websites.

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