Check out my interview with Rebecca Gretz. She asks me questions about my book, What if the Problem’s Not the Problem??? as well as how …
Writing Tip of the Week – June 10th
Here’s the second writing tip of five for writing an inspirational article. This can also apply to anything you write that is character driven. 2. …
Writing Tip of the Week – June 3rd
Good inspirational articles have five characteristics.They move people emotionally and motivate them to do something or to make a change of some sort. Here’s the …
Writing Tip of the Week – May 28th
“We tend to overestimate what we can do in a short period, and underestimate what we can do over a long period, provided we work …
Writing Tip of the Week May 20th and New Classes a UHMC
“Try to attune yourself to the sound of your own writing. If you can’t imagine yourself saying something aloud, then you probably shouldn’t write it.” …
Writing Tip of the Week – May 13th
Skip the boring parts! When I’m writing, I always find it best to write the bits I enjoy first, and slave over the middle bits …
Writing Tip of the Week – May 6th
“It is necessary to write, if the days are not to slip emptily by. How else, indeed, to clap the net over the butterfly of …
Writing Tip of the Week & New Class Schedule for May/June
I’m now offering a new class for beginners to give you a foundation of the 7 essential elements in good writing Starting May 15th & …
Writing Tip of the Week – April 22nd
Aloha, “Don’t include unnecessary details. While autobiographies are often written as chronological accounts of a person’s life, a memoir only includes events relating to the …
Writing Tip of the Week – April 15th
Watch out for these four commonly misused words. Some words in the English language take a constant beating. Be one of those writers who use …