You can Write! We sometimes think successful authors just instinctively know how to write—that they are born with an intrinsic ability. Some, yes. But for …
Writing Tip of the Week January 21st
Ask for feedback — and listen to it. You are in the business of communication. If the ideas and emotions expressed in your writing meet …
Writing Tip of the Week – January 14th
Writing a memoir or a memoir-like story or blog can seem daunting. But remember, you are the protagonist in your own memoir, the tour guide. …
New Articles
Here’s my latest article. Slump? I ain’t in no slump… I just ain’t hitting. Yogi Berra. What’s a slump anyway? Slumps are like the common …
What’s a Slump, Anyway?
Slump? I ain’t in no slump… I just ain’t hitting. Yogi Berra. What’s a slump anyway? Slumps are like the common cold. They arrive without …
Writing Tip of the Week – January 7th
Writing Tip of the Week Aloha, For the 1st Writing Tip of the year, I thought it more appropriate to offer the following tips from …
Who’s the Timekeeper?
Who’s the Timekeeper? “Impatience is a sign that one has temporarily forgotten to behave at all times as if their dreams have already come true.” …
Who’s the Timekeeper?
“Impatience is a sign that one has temporarily forgotten to behave at all times as if their dreams have already come true.” Anonymous A friend …
Writing tip of the week – and for life
Happy New Year! A Tip for life May this be your best year ever! This Tip applies to life and of course can also be …
Writing Tip of the Week – December 24th
Writing Tip of the Week Aloha, Here’s your writing tip of the week. According to research by the American Press Institute, the longer sentences are, …