Good inspirational articles have five characteristics. 1. They are personal. Inspirational articles are all about the power of personal connections. They should include very personal …
Writing your first Memoir
Writing your first memoir “I haven’t a clue as to how my story will end. But that’s all right. When you set out on a journey …
Jasmyne Consulting
What If The Problem’s Not The Problem?
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know …
It’s Your Life
Memoirs are the backstairs of history. – George Meredith Why are memoirs suddenly so popular? Are there really enough readers interested in someone else’s life? …
Do What You Do Best and Get Help With The Rest
The New Year often brings with it a feeling of elation and even promise for our highest aspirations. It is the time of year many …
What’s Your Story?
Memoirs are the backstairs of history – George Meredith The surge of memoir writing and reading could be linked to the sudden popularity of reality …
And the moral of the story is???
“The act of putting pen to paper encourages pause for thought, this, in turn, makes us think more deeply about life, which helps us regain our equilibrium.” ~Norbet Plat
Writing Your First Memoir
“I haven’t a clue as to how my story will end. But that’s all right. When you set out on a journey and night covers …
Joy of Writing Workshop with Jasmyne Boswell
Unfortunately Vitec forgot to include this workshop in their catalog and there were not enough people who knew about it to make it a go. …