The beginning of your book is what hooks agents, editors and readers and keeps them reading. A strong ending is what leaves them stunned and …
Writing Tip
“To create an original work you must become a seer with eyes of spirit, that penetrate an invisible world and see the unformed future, which …
Expectations Can Make You Shortsighted
“I’m open to the guidance of synchronicity, and do not let expectations hinder my path.” ~ Dalai Lama Expectations Can Make You Shortsighted Becoming …
Who Writes a Book?
“When I sit down to write a book, I do not say to myself, ‘I am going to produce a work of art.’ I write …
“Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions.” – Albert Einstein Picture yourself slicing through the rind of a juicy yellow lemon, exposing the …
Memoir Writing – Your Life is Your Legacy!
“Each of us is a book waiting to be written, and that book, if written, results in a person explained.” ~Thomas M. Cirignano Memoir …
How to Have a Happy Holiday With Your Family
With a very simple intention you can transform your holidays and make a huge difference in the lives of those you love. How? This year …
Interview on Life on Maui
Creativity – Life’s Natural Elixir
Creativity – Life’s Natural Elixir Awaken to your Creative Spirit! Tapping into your creativity keeps you feeling young and alive. It’s like falling in love. …
Creativity – Life’s Natural Elixir
Tapping into your creativity keeps you feeling young and alive. It’s like falling in love. You feel that spark of energy that gives you a reason to get up in the morning. This is not “new” news, but where do you start?