“Now” is a powerful three-letter word. It can bring you into the present where your power is the greatest. ~ JB
Can you recall a time when you wanted to do something but instead made excuses to put it off? Procrastinating is contagious: putting something off once easily leads to putting it off again. Before you know it, several weeks or more have passed and you still haven’t started.
When that something is writing a book, it’s like a two-year old wanting your attention–it will keep bothering you until you give it what it wants.
Writing an article, short story, or even a letter takes time and focus. Writing a book also takes desire and perseverance. If you tend to procrastinate, it helps to have someone to be accountable to.
Good writers take my classes until finishing a project because they work best under pressure. At first they come to class and say they wrote all morning just to have something to bring in. Soon the inspiration of feedback and the camaraderie of fellow writers keeps them coming back for more. They often say that having to report in jump-starts the writing process and keeps them from putting the project off.
Whatever it takes, find your inspiration catalyst. When are you most creative? Choose that time to write. If you work full or part-time, mother young children or have something else that requires your daytime hours, find the time that works best. It’s usually one you can commit to on a regular basis. Figure that out, say NOW, and start.
For more on how to write a book, visit my website and check under articles on “How to Write a Book. https://jasmyneconsulting.com/category/tips-for-writing-a-book/