Procrastination is Opportunity’s Assassin. ~Victor Kiam
When you look back over the past year(s), do you give a sigh of satisfaction? Or did you procrastinate and put off doing the things you’ve been telling yourself you would do when you had the time, the money, weren’t so depressed, or whatever your reason?
If you just laughed or recognized yourself in that question, you may also notice that your wish list from year to year has many of the same “to-dos and wants.” If you keep your list in your head, you may notice the same thoughts keep ruminating like a treadmill continually set at the “on” position.
If writing a book has been showing up on your “to do” or “want” list, you may want to consider the following:
Plan of Action:
* Start with a written plan of action to avoid getting distracted.
* Keep your plan simple and straightforward.
* Start with the one thing you could do, and make it manageable.
* Avoid over-planning — another method of procrastination.
* Balance the time spent planning with time spent creating or doing.
* At the end of the day, spend 10 minutes reviewing your progress.
* Take time to plan your actions for the next day/week.
* If visualizations work for you, use them to help you move forward.
* Determine how much you can do or tolerate at a time.
* Break each step out and list it separately (you don’t tackle all the steps of a project in one sitting).
* Don’t push yourself too far or you’ll get bored or frustrated.
* Set a “completion point” for accomplishing each task.
* Completion points give you an end in sight to look forward to.
* Don’t try to do everything perfectly
* Perfectionism often causes procrastination
* Aim for progress rather than perfection
*Celebrate each step toward completion
* Alternate unpleasant jobs with tasks you enjoy
*Whenever possible, delegate out items you can’t make yourself do
* Make the project and environment as pleasant as possible
* Play music, open a window, have a cold drink, etc.
* Take a few minutes to organize your workspace
* Give yourself the best tools and workspace for the project
* Find an “accountability partner” to track your progress.
* Schedule a regular time to check in with them.
* Rewarding your accomplishments encourages productivity.
* Reward every step along the way, not just the result.
Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task. ~William James
Hope you enjoyed this writing tip. Get in touch if you need help in starting or completing your writing project. And…….
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