It’s impossible to explain creativity. It’s like asking a bird, ‘How do you fly?’
You just do.

          ~Eric Jerome Dickey

We’re All Innately Creative

Creativity is a natural part of our nature, and even if we turn away or deny it, it forever remains within us. It takes a great deal of effort to suppress our creativity. Whether we acknowledge it or not, it leaks out in some manner — the way we furnish our homes, tend to our yards, dress, or even prepare a meal.
I recently moved into a new home. Though I brought with me my prized dishes and some personal items from Maui a few years ago, I didn’t have a stitch of furniture to my name. Needless to say, I had a lot of shopping to do.
I didn’t necessarily start out thinking of decorating as a creative project but noticed how much the process reminded me of writing and re-writing. As I made my selections and saw how all the pieces came together, I moved certain things around, (cut and paste) sent a few things back, (Delete), and purchased a few others, (Add text.) until I was satisfied. And, as is with a final draft, I could always make a few more tweaks but can live with it as-is for a while and then get back to it. (Set it aside for a while until I can look at it with fresh eyes.)
I love my new space. Seeing the rooms take shape as I acquired a sofa, kitchen table and chairs, bookcases, dressers, etc., I felt like I have when I sit down to a blank page. Every word that goes on the page is something my mind, my imagination has conjured up.  I’m always amazed.
When we start to harshly judge ourselves or doubt our ability to write, all the fun goes out of the process. If that happens, reframing your thoughts by remembering something you’ve enjoyed creating can help – putting an ornament on a tree, standing back, seeing it isn’t quite right, and finding another – (Reading a sentence, realizing your not quite happy with it, and trying again.)
Writing is work, but I’ve found it to be one of the greatest elixirs of life. When I get impatient or frustrated, I simply have to remember to stand back, lighten up, and watch the amazing process of creation at work.
Enjoy the process!


Jasmyne Consulting - 30 year’s experience - Creative Book Writing Coach/Editor for Memoirs and Novels, helping clients overcome writer’s block to successfully complete and publish their work. She helps writers at all levels including ESL clients. Freelance writing for resumes, proposals business and query letters, blogs, brochures, websites.

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