Other people do not have to change for you to have peace of mind. ~Gerald Jampolsky
The political climate today is creating a tremendous stir in our external environment. Inadvertently, it affects our internal environment – our body and mind. This is making it even more important to have a practice that quiets us down and gives our mind and nervous system a rest.
If I’m having one of those days where it’s not easy to get away from internal chaos, I practice Natural Meditation. The nice thing about Natural Meditation is that once you experience the simplicity of its parameters, you can do it anywhere at any time.
In the beginning, you might want to try sitting quietly in the morning for 20 minutes. Find a place where you can sit with minimal distraction, sit comfortably, eyes closed and simply observe every thought or distraction that takes you away from being 100% still, present and relaxed. During this time you simply choose to sit quietly and allow your breath to be your focus. As your breath breathes your body and you align your attention to its rhythm, you will naturally relax.
Without judgment or reaction to whatever arises, allow yourself to be with every thought or disturbance just as it is. Your only task is to sit quietly for 20 minutes or however long you decide — maybe just 10 minutes at first — and be aware of your breath.
Give yourself a chance to simply be, and see what happens. Simply sitting still in times of stress, even if the mind wanders, is healing. Eventually, like in a snow globe, the mind will settle down, stress will melt away. and peace of mind will prevail.