An Elixir For Writers’ Enjoyment

Lower your expectation of the first draft.  Do this one thing and you are guaranteed to feel more joy. Hemmingway said it himself: All first drafts are shit! If you know that from the getgo, you can relax and enjoy the process.

Writers often compare their first draft to what they’ve read in their favorite books. What they don’t realize is that those books were rewritten and revised more times than can be imagined. Remember, aside from your editor, no one need ever see your first draft.

It is can be hard for us to comprehend how many revised copies our favorite writers go through before giving a draft to an agent, only to be asked to revise it, again. That’s because we don’t see all of the mistakes and boring bits that went into their first draft – all of that has been cut away. It’s just like when you take hundreds of photos while on vacation, choose the best ones, and delete the rest. Revision after revision is simply the process all successful writers learn to accept and understand. As Nora Robert’s said when asked about writers’ block, and I’m paraphrasing, “Just write something. At least then you’ll have something to improve upon.

Let your creative muse rip. Then read it through, and like a sculptor, cut away the excess and perfect what remains. Refine your piece of art till it pleases you. Then let your editor or trusted friends and family give you feedback and make your final additions and corrections.

Like any creative endeavor, your perseverance is tested. You can make your journey to the end more enjoyable with the “right attitude” and acceptance of the process. Write, Review, Sculpt, Feedback, Adjustment, Rewrite, and  “Voile,” you’ve got it! 


Jasmyne Consulting - 30 year’s experience - Creative Book Writing Coach/Editor for Memoirs and Novels, helping clients overcome writer’s block to successfully complete and publish their work. She helps writers at all levels including ESL clients. Freelance writing for resumes, proposals business and query letters, blogs, brochures, websites.

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