Blog Tips for Writing A Book

Beginning & Ending of a Book Ti

The beginning of your book is what hooks agents, editors and readers and keeps them reading.  A strong ending is what leaves them stunned and recommending the book to everyone they know.  The beginning of each chapter is what pulls the reader into the text further, and the end of a chapter is what makes the reader stay up all night reading because they can’t possibly put the book down. Strong beginnings and endings of scenes makes for smoother transitions within chapters, transporting the reader into the world of your novel or memoir and keeps them there.


Jasmyne Consulting - 30 year’s experience - Creative Book Writing Coach/Editor for Memoirs and Novels, helping clients overcome writer’s block to successfully complete and publish their work. She helps writers at all levels including ESL clients. Freelance writing for resumes, proposals business and query letters, blogs, brochures, websites.

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