Stack the Odds of Success in Your Favor –  Writers’ Tip – July 10, 2019
Write for yourself and enjoy the process. This is important because success is not guaranteed.
There are, however, ways to stack the odds in your favor. To do so, according to the advice of one author in the Huffington Post, the following is something to consider.
He states:

  1. The most important variable in the success of a book is the size of the author’s “tribe” (usually represented by an email list).
  2. The second — the title
  3. The third — the cover
  4. The fourth — the number of positive reviews
  5. The fifth — the book description (back cover copy)
  6. The sixth — the front matter, before the first chapter, because of Amazon’s Look Inside feature
  7. The seventh — the quality of your writing

There are always exceptions, such as talking engagements that have back-of-the-room sales, etc. However, if you want to capture a wide audience, you might start thinking about developing a following as you write.

I’m sure as I did, you noticed that he put the quality of writing at the bottom of the list. Though the quality of writing IS important, I think the point he’s making is that without a marketing strategy, even the best-written books sit on the shelf.


For more information on writing – once you’ve sat down and started – visit or call for a complimentary initial consultation – 808-268-5807.

Next Library Talk in Los Angeles – August 6th at the Topanga Canyon Branch. For details Visit –


Jasmyne Consulting - 30 year’s experience - Creative Book Writing Coach/Editor for Memoirs and Novels, helping clients overcome writer’s block to successfully complete and publish their work. She helps writers at all levels including ESL clients. Freelance writing for resumes, proposals business and query letters, blogs, brochures, websites.

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