Watch out for these four commonly misused words.

Some words in the English language take a constant beating. Be one of those writers who use them properly and pleasantly surprise your readers. Your conscientiousness may sell your next idea or product.

  • That vs. which. Which often follows a comma and introduces a phrase that provides additional information not essential to the meaning of the sentence. That introduces a phrase that is essential to the meaning of the sentence.The report, which is twenty pages long, is mandatory reading. (Which introduces additional, but unnecessary, information.)

    The report that is twenty pages long is mandatory reading. (That points out a characteristic of the report and distinguishes it from a ten-page report.)


  • Hopefully. This doesn’t mean I hope. Hopefully, I’ll finish the report by noon. Do you mean you’ll finish the report in a hopeful frame of mind by noon? Or do you mean you hope you’ll finish the report by noon? Say what you mean: I hope to finish the report by noon. 
  • Very. Avoid this lukewarm, unspecific adverb. I’m very happy that you elected me chairman of the Society for People with Super Sensitive Feet. Is very happy happier than just happy? Why not overjoyed or: I’m tickled to be the new chairman of the Society for People with Super Sensitive Feet.


Jasmyne Consulting - 30 year’s experience - Creative Book Writing Coach/Editor for Memoirs and Novels, helping clients overcome writer’s block to successfully complete and publish their work. She helps writers at all levels including ESL clients. Freelance writing for resumes, proposals business and query letters, blogs, brochures, websites.

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  1. , but why the need to hand hold AA voters. That is the the only thing I do not udsnrntaed. AA did not make Prop 8 Pass, that is very true, however they did turn out in force to vote for discrimination. Why is that white LGBT fault? I do not mean to be offensive I am truly curious. It feels like in one breath we are being told, white LGBT people did not reach out and it is their fault, how dare they AA homophobia, see they ARE racists. Do you not see the problem there?

    1. Thank you Jovita. I’m glad you find value in what I post.
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