Mindfulness is a way of befriending ourselves and our experience. ~Jon Kabat-Zinn At times like we are in now, challenging, to say the least, we are given …
What’s the Best Length for Sentences, Paragraphs & Chapters?
What’s the Best Length for Sentences, Paragraphs, and Chapters?Sentences: Before the days of television, radio and the Internet, the guidelines were no more than 23 …
Characterization at Its Best
Characterization at Its Best Writers—the good ones anyway—are keen observers of human nature and they capture it in their characters and storytelling. They show the behaviors, …
When to Write
Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have twenty-four hour days. ~Zig Ziglar Daniel Pink, the author of When: The …
10 Reasons to Write a Book
Why Do Writers Write? 10 Reasons to Write a Book Writing a book is not the most difficult thing you will ever do, but because it …
Why Do Writers Write?
Only the writer really knows the answer to that question. I start teaching a new class in a couple of weeks and in the first …
The Filler is Killer
When in doubt, cut it out.
Writing filler is a iller.
A Cure for Writer’s Block
A Cure For Writer’s Block~When asked about how to get through writer’s block, I tell clients, “When all else fails, take a walk.” The ‘all …
Choosing the Point of View to Write From
Choosing the Point of View to Write From Everyone has a point of view. Before the writer begins, he or she must decide what point …
Publishing Options – Pros & Cons
Publishing Options – Pros & Cons At some point in the writing process, often at the beginning, a client will ask, “Is it better to …