
Writing tip of the Week – October 14th

“Memoir isn’t the summary of a life; it’s a window into a life, very much like a photograph in its selective composition. It may look like a casual and even random calling up of bygone events. It’s not; it’s a deliberate construction.” William Zinsser

And even though we are much more than our story, it’s what lives on long after we move away or leave this life permanently. Writing a memoir is way to leave our story behind the way we want it remembered.

Next writing classes start November 6th & 7th. Or, call for a private coaching session to get started or to get help along the way.


Jasmyne Consulting - 30 year’s experience - Creative Book Writing Coach/Editor for Memoirs and Novels, helping clients overcome writer’s block to successfully complete and publish their work. She helps writers at all levels including ESL clients. Freelance writing for resumes, proposals business and query letters, blogs, brochures, websites.

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